Thursday, October 27, 2022Perhaps one of the scariest things that you can see on the road is a vehicle fire. It’s not something that you ever want to happen to you. Plus, if you are a commercial driver, and a vehicle fire breaks out, then not only will the truck and trailer sustain damage, but the business will also suffer. READ MORE >>
Monday, October 10, 2022Perhaps you woke up in the middle of the night to the piercing scream of smoke alarms. You grabbed what you could and raced out of your home. The fire was significant and scorched a great deal of the structure. When you finally get into your apartment, there's plenty of damage. READ MORE >>
Monday, September 19, 2022Most business owners buy commercial insurance to help them out of tough financial situations. But besides benefiting the business itself, coverage can also benefit others. It can help business owners compensate others when they accidentally harm them. It can go a long way towards making your business more reliable and responsive to client needs. READ MORE >>
Thursday, September 8, 2022Most people do not have the money to pay for a new house in-full at the time that they buy it. As a result, they will usually take out a mortgage or other financing to finalize the purchase. When you finance your home, you will have to repay the loan to the bank over a period of years. READ MORE >>
Thursday, August 18, 2022If you rent an apartment, condo or house, you want to make sure your belongings are insured. Should there be a fire, vandalism or other unexpected incident, it's important that you have a way to replace the items that you've worked so hard to obtain. READ MORE >>
Monday, August 1, 2022Business owners who allow their employees to drive as part of their assigned duties assume a degree of liability for the employees’ actions behind the wheel. Therefore, they need commercial auto insurance. Still, if an employee uses their personal car for work, then that does not mean that your liabilities go away. READ MORE >>
Monday, June 27, 2022Liability is a complicated subject for most people. Unless you're a lawyer or you work for an insurance company, it's not always clear whose fault an accident is. You may have heard of general liability insurance. This is a vague term that broadly encompasses a variety of situations. READ MORE >>
Friday, June 3, 2022Even though we’re heading toward fall, there are plenty of areas that are still experiencing extreme heat at this time of year. If you live in a warm climate, you may have just about had it with driving in a hot car by now. But you don’t have to resign to the heat. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, May 24, 2022Maintaining a commercial auto insurance plan is generally necessary for today’s business owner. If you own a fleet of vehicles or even just a few, the goal is to keep these vehicles in the best shape possible so they continue to meet your business needs. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, May 4, 2022Both seasoned and new gardeners alike look forward to planting during springtime. Whether you’re just starting your new hobby or simply looking for some innovative tricks, these ten tips will help your green thumb glow a little bit brighter. 1. READ MORE >>
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