Flood Insurance
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Flood Insurance Information

Flood Insurance - Texas
What is flood insurance?
Everyone thinks that flood insurance is not necessary or just an “extra” coverage on your dwelling policy but it’s actually really important. Flood insurance covers rising water from the outside coming inside your dwelling. Water can be coming from anywhere outside for example, rainfall, hurricanes, or even if the main water line breaks outside and damages your house. All flood coverage is ACV (actual cash value) but the building items are eligible for replacement cost ONLY if you insure your primary dwelling where you live at least 80% of the time and you insure the structure 80% of the replacement cost coverage of the structure. The coverages available are up to $250,000 for the dwelling & $100,000 for your contents. Contents are always adjusted at loss as ACV. You also won’t have to worry about monthly payments because it’s a great low rate with the year paid in full with no cancellations. The policy is not effective till 30 days later because no one can time a flooding event, such as a hurricane, river flood, or heavy rain storm. It’s a really good coverage to have especially due to all the flooding we have been having lately around Texas. Don’t wait until it’s too late and your house is flooded. Call your local agent today and get a low rate today.
Flood Insurance Cheat List
What flood insurance does cover?
- Covers any water coming from outside in to your dwelling
- Dwelling and its foundation. Policy has ACV (Actual Cash Value) coverage on dwelling. Dwelling maximum limit $250,000
- Kitchen appliances
- Window blinds
- Electrical and plumbing systems
- Air condition & water heaters
- Wall boards
- Washier and dryers
Contents coverage covers the following items if contents coverage is applied to your policy:
- Contents maximum limit $100,000
- Curtains
- Clothing
- Furniture
- Window Ac
- Microwave
- Dishwasher
- Carpet not covered by your dwelling policy
- Food
Flood insurance does NOT cover:
- If your pipes burst inside your house
- You leave the water running on accident
- Cash
- Trees / Plants
- Precious metals
- Swimming pools / Hot tubs
- Patios / Decks
- Fences
- Cars
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